Mandy Marie -- the dreamer

"I can never stand still. I must explore and experiment. I am never satisfied with
my work. I resent the limitations of my own imagination." WALT DISNEY


Mandy Marie (Amanda M. Buck) has come a long way since publishing "The Cloud King Of Oz" in 2002. That first writing venture began in 1999, by a young girl fascinated with the magical world of Oz, having always been a fan of the 1939 film. Unlike many familiar to Oz today only because of MGM's production, however, she had also always been a fan of the novels by L. Frank Baum. Writing had always been a hobby... and Oz was certainly one too. Why not combine them? She had been writing fan fiction for years, and while this was the same... the 14 books by Oz were no longer secured by a copyright: they were free game. She announced to her family that she was writing a novel. And she did so, and found means to publish it (to the amazement of her family), thanks to the assistance, guidance and continuous support of Chris Dulabone and Marin Xiques of Tales Of The Cowardly Lion & Friends publishing.

The thrill of holding that finished copy in her hands is one she will never forget. Nor will she forget her first book signing in Stafford, VA at the local library, nor her first newspaper interview. She was acknowledged by her school and peers, the county school board, and to her delight, the Oz community. (It is a wondrous feeling to find one's self on Google and Wikipedia!)

Following Cloud King's release, two follow-up novels were written to form a trilogy set, collaborating with fellow authors and publishers Chris and Marin. Sunshine of Oz, the sequel to Cloud King, was completed and awaiting illustrations before heading off to press. The Jitterbugs of Oz was never completed. Neither book made it to press. For reasons even she can't recall, her budding career as an authoress was set aside. Not to say that she discontinued writing, for that was hardly the case. She still dabbled in the occasional fan fiction, but now her writing efforts were more focused in the roleplaying community. Ultimately, it was here that she would grow into the writer she is today. Now, she is working on what she hopes will be a series of new age Oz novels.